About me
Hi, my name is Sidonnie Stephanie and I've loved astrology for as long as I can remember! I first became interested in astrology as a young 10 year old kid that was bored to death and always wanted to go outside at night and look at the stars. I would then go to the local library and get all the astrology books and magazines I could check out and read until my eyes and brain would shut down. I absolutely love star and planet gazing and doing astrology was the second best thing I could do. I love helping people with their self journey questions through a natal birth chart reading and showing them how to discover who they were meant to be on this planet called earth. I've been doing readings for about 20 plus years and every reading is a new and exciting life changing discovery. It is my absolute pleasure to not only read a Birth Chart, but also do a little basic astrology teaching for the client along the way. I came here to learn a beautiful ancient art and turn around and gift it to the masses. Thank you for visiting my site, blessings and love. Sid.